Thursday, October 14, 2010

Computer Science

What Is Computer Science?
Computer Science is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded in bits and bytes in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a human cell.

According to the present view, Computer Science can be situated in a broader context of computing in the following way
The discipline of computing thus encompasses Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
Software Engineering and Information Systems. Here are some definitions.
1. The discipline of Computing is the systematic study of algorithmic3 processes that describe and transform information: their theory, analysis, design, efficiency, implementation, and application.
2. Computer Science is the study of phenomena related to computers, Newell, Perlis and Simon,
3. Computer Science is the study of information structures, Wegner, 1968, Curriculum 68.
4. Computer Science is the study and management of complexity, Dijkstra, 1969 [8].
5. Computer Science is the mechanization of abstraction, Aho and Ullman 1992 [9, 13].
6. Computer Science is a field of study that is concerned with theoretical and applied disciplines
in the development and use of computers for information storage and processing, mathematics,
logic, science, and many other areas.
The second d
The first and third definitions reflect a mathematical tradition since algorithms and information structures are two abstractions from the phenomena of Computer Science.
The third definition was used by Wegner as the unifying abstraction in his book on Programming
Languages, Information Structures and Machine Organization. This view of Computer Science
has its historical roots in information theory. It strongly influenced the development of Curriculu
68; a document which has been very prominent in the development of undergraduate Computer Science curricula afterwards.
It is implicit in the German and French use of the respective terms "Informatik" and "Informatique" to denote the discipline of Computer Science.
It is interesting to note that the British term "Computer Science" has an empirical orientation,
while the corresponding German and French terms “Informatics” have an abstract orientation.
The view that information is the central idea of Computer Science is both scientifically and sociologically
indicative. Scientifically, it suggests a view of Computer Science as a generalization of
information theory that is concerned not only with the transmission of information but also with
its transformation and interpretation.
The fourth definition reflects the great complexity of engineering problems encountered in managing the construction of complex software-hardware systems.
Logic is important for computing not only because it forms the basis of every programming
language, or because of its investigating into the limits of automatic calculation, but also because of its insight that strings of symbols (also encoded as numbers) can be interpreted both as data and as programs.
Nsien U. N.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

ict solution


Nsien U. N.
ess the internet and email, and collect and process data.

In CRYSTAL~LINKS our Network engineers, known as network administrators,are responsible for


installation and

we maintains computer communication systems within an organization or between organizations, which allow workers to share files and resources, acc

Our Duties typically include:

installing new software and hardware

setting up user-accounts, permissions and passwords

maintaining adequate security, especially where networks link to the internet

finding and fixing faults

implementing preventative maintenance schedules

giving technical support for end-users

providing training on new systems

carrying out day-to-day administration and monitoring network use

planning and implementing future developments.

Network engineers deal with four systems:

. Local area networks (LANs) - connecting workstations within an office, building or limited area

metropolitan area networks (MANs) - linking networks citywide or across a region

wide area networks (WANs) - linking national or international networks

global area networks (GANs) - combining networks over an unlimited geographical area.

Crystal~links computer Technology key responsibilities are to make sure that an organisation's computer system has the capacity to meet its business needs and is secure.


  • The Information Technology (IT) department manages the technology and computer infrastructure that drives an organization's business systems.
  • The IT department is also known as Management Information Systems (MIS or IS) department.
  • The IT department is staffed with technically competent professionals that support the organization in these critical areas:

End –User Technical Support
  • Much of an organization’s computer processing is performed by end-users using their desktop PC.
  • When these end-users incur a computer problem (unable to logon, printer does not work, etc.), they call the IT department for technical support.
  • Depending on the nature of the problem, the IT department may assist the user over the phone or send a technician to their location.

Desktop Management
  • Managing individual desktop computers.
  • laptops and peripherals is a cornerstone of the IT department tasks.
  • Desktop management of individual computers includes:
  • (1) installation of new hardware components or software,
  • (2) software license administration,
  • (3) equipment repair and maintenance.
Network Management
  • Making sure that the computer network is always available with safe and secure data is the most important task for the IT department.

  • Not only does this involve the physical installation of cabling throughout the facility, but also the installation and monitoring of the firewall, servers and other equipment to keep the network running at peak efficiency.

Voice and Data Communications
The IT department maintains the telephone and computer systems that allow employees to connect with other employees, customers and suppliers through the use of
voice mail,
message boards,
Internet and
intranet web sites.
This includes coordinating new requirements with third-party service providers.

Business Applications
  • Developing and maintaining the business systems that operate the organization are essential tasks of the IT department.
  • This includes software for financial, manufacturing, sales and distribution systems, as well as general office administration, such as word processing and spreadsheet applications.

Strategic Technology Planning
  • The IT department is responsible for creating and executing a strategic technology plan that keeps the organization up-to-date with technology advances and ensures that equipment and software do not become obsolete.
  • The technology plan also focuses on the requirements needed to support new business growth.